Go-To-Market Strategy:
A Guide for B2B SaaS Companies

In this guide on go-to-market strategy for B2B SaaS, we cover a detailed plan for launching your products and building effective GTM strategies. You'll find key steps for a successful market approach, tailored strategies for B2B SaaS companies, and advice on setting KPIs, measuring success, and avoiding common pitfalls. 

Introduction to Go-To-Market Strategy

According to Gartner, only 55% of all product launches are actually on schedule. For the others, there is an average delay of 4 months or more. Whether it's because of bugs, errors, not meeting customer demands, project creep, or poor execution - the reality is, SaaS companies lose months of recurring revenue every time they fail to launch on time.

Aside from the late launches, the tech landscape is littered with stories of brilliant ideas that never quite made it, not because they lacked innovation but because their go-to-market (GTM) strategy was more of an afterthought than a central plan.

A pretty common story in the B2B SaaS world, usually resulting from leaders failing to align their marketing, sales, and product goals under one umbrella. So, how do you avoid becoming another statistic and actually launch a successful B2B SaaS product? What does your GTM strategy even have to do with the success of your product? And finally, do you need to build it before or after product development? 

We’ll answer all these questions and more in our no-BS guide to B2B SaaS GTM strategies. 

What Is a Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy for SaaS?

 A Go-To-Market strategy covers all the steps and tactics you need to take to introduce your product, create brand awareness, generate leads, and close deals (make money). It involves everything from identifying target audiences, developing messaging, creating marketing and sales tactics and pricing models, and setting goals for each stage of the process.

Without a strategic plan that will help you create the right noise, in the right places, and to the right people (with budget), your product has a high chance of being ignored, or worse - never even reaching the market, like almost 95% of all SaaS products.

But GTM is more than an initial market entry; it needs to lay the groundwork for ongoing engagement, retention, and expansion. It should take into consideration your product goal and vision, as well as the market and competitive landscape.

If all this sounds complicated or a bit overwhelming, don't worry - we'll break it down step by step and sprinkle some examples and practical tips that will help you understand and develop your own go-to-market strategy.

Why Is a Go-To-Market Strategy So Important?

Many SaaS companies are created as a solution to a problem their founder has experienced first-hand. But just because its value is obvious to the founder and their team doesn't mean the market will react with the same enthusiasm.

The reality is, if you skip the focus on the GTM strategy, you have no idea if there's a demand for your product, what channels are best to reach potential customers, or how much you should charge. This lack of preparation is exactly what leads to launch delays, overspending, and a statistic of 90% of startups failing.

Basically, without a solid GTM strategy in place, you're taking shots in the dark with your product and hoping something sticks. And the way things work today, that won't cut it. No matter how great or innovative your product is, it doesn’t sell itself. 

Now would also be a good time to add that developing a go-to-market strategy is not as easy as you may think. No two strategies are the same; you can't copy and execute someone else's or even re-use what you've built for a different product and expect the same results. You can't just pay your way out of it either and hope that a big budget will compensate for the lack of planning and research.

Each GTM strategy is unique and tailored specifically to your product, target audience, market trends, competition, and overall business goals. It is something you strategize, plan and execute. Hiring an agency can help you, but they can only do so much without your own input and understanding of your product and target market.

B2B SaaS GTM Strategy vs. Marketing Strategy

Before we jump into the specifics of developing a B2B SaaS go-to-market strategy, let's get one thing straight - a GTM strategy is not the same as a marketing strategy. Some may use them interchangeably, but in reality, they are two very different components of a successful product launch and business growth.

We can't repeat it enough: GTM strategy is focused on the overall process of bringing your product to market - from initial research and planning to launch and beyond. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, involves marketing efforts that you’ll take to acquire customers and maintain your market space.


The main difference between the two is the fact that the go-to-market strategy focuses on one product. Marketing strategy focuses on the actions, distribution channels, and tactics you’ll use to reach your target audience. Think of GTM strategy as the foundation of a successful marketing strategy - without it, your marketing efforts will not have a clear direction or purpose.

What Makes SaaS GTM Strategies Different From Strategies For Other Products?

First of all, SaaS companies don't have typical tangible goods to sell. Yes, there is what we call a product, but there is also always some level of service involved in the value proposition. This means the GTM strategy for a SaaS product must account for the lifecycle of the service, not just the initial sale.

Go-to-market strategy for SaaS must promise and deliver an exceptional customer experience that's tangled up and evolves with user feedback and market demands. After all, the value of SaaS lies in its ability to continuously improve and adapt based on customer feedback, address pain points promptly, and make customer success a core focus.

This one may be obvious, but, in B2B SaaS, you’re not just pitching to one person; you're convincing an entire organization of your product’s value. This complexity itself requires a GTM strategy that addresses various stakeholders within a company, each with its own set of expectations and decision-making power.

Not to mention that targeting a small startup versus a large enterprise drastically changes the game. Your GTM strategy must be adapted to various needs, decision-making processes, and buying cycles of different company sizes, from startups to enterprises.

SaaS companies also have a strong focus on building lasting relationships. If you don't focus on the entire customer lifecycle, you're risking the deadly churn of your customers. So, unlike traditional product launches where the sale is the end goal, a SaaS go-to-market strategy has to think about customer retention tactics such as ongoing support, regular communication, and continuous improvement to keep customers happy and loyal.

Finally, let's talk about outbound tactics that differ from B2C marketing. In B2C, you will rarely get a cold phone call or email from a company, and as consumers, we’ve become very good at ignoring them anyway.

However, in B2B SaaS, outbound tactics such as cold calling, email campaigns, and targeted advertising are still effective ways to reach potential customers, which means you might want to include them in your GTM strategy. If we add longer sales cycles to the mix, it's clear that the GTM strategy for a SaaS company will look nothing like a traditional product launch strategy.

How to Build an Effective GTM Strategy for B2B SaaS Companies

If you’re looking to build a go-to-market strategy before your SaaS product is fully launched, you've already made smarter decisions than most other founders. Now, you "just" need to make sure your GTM strategy is effective enough to get your product the attention it deserves.

Whether you want to DIY your strategy or hire some external help, you will need to focus on several critical areas: pinpointing your growth strategy, identifying your market, setting revenue goals, positioning your product, defining your pricing strategy, creating a marketing plan, outlining your sales strategy, deciding on the optimal launch timing, and establishing metrics for success. 

GTM plan - A88Lab.

Don’t worry, we will cover each of these steps in detail, and at the end of this article you will have a solid foundation for effectively bringing your product to market, regardless of your product's complexity or your company's size.

Pinpoint Your SaaS Growth Strategy

Deciding on your growth strategy will pretty much set the tone for other aspects of your go-to-market plan. What will be the driving factor behind your growth? Will it be a sales-driven approach or a marketing-driven one?

Here are some common strategies for B2B SaaS companies you can explore before deciding what's the best approach for you:

Product-Led Growth (PLG)

This strategy hinges on the belief that your product is your best salesperson. Here, the aim is to create a product so good that it naturally draws users in, encouraging them to explore, adopt, and ultimately pay for additional features or services.

PLG is marked by a focus on user experience, intuitive design, and, often, a freemium model that lets customers experience the core value before committing financially. It’s a great way to reduce the cost of customer acquisition and build a loyal user base through organic growth.

Sales-Led Growth

The traditional counterpart to PLG, this approach relies heavily on a direct sales force to drive customer acquisition and revenue. In a sales-led model, the focus is on pursuing larger deals, often with a longer sales cycle, and establishing strong customer relationships through personalized interaction.

This strategy may be more suitable for B2B SaaS companies with a high-touch sales process and complex products, and it is effective in markets where customers expect a high degree of customization and direct engagement before making a purchase decision.

Hybrid Model

Combining the best of both worlds, the hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both PLG and sales-led strategies. In this approach, you might use a freemium or low-cost entry product to get users in the door while a dedicated sales team works on upselling and engaging larger clients or more complex deals.

A hybrid model is popular with companies that offer a range of products and services with different levels of complexity and price points. It allows for flexibility in catering to different customer segments and their specific needs.

Channel or Partner-Led Growth

This strategy involves partnering with other companies, resellers, or agents to sell your product. It can significantly extend your market reach and reduce direct sales expenses, but it comes with its own challenges, such as maintaining consistency, control, and alignment with partners. Successful channel or partner-led growth requires a strong partnership management program and effective communication.

Community-Led Growth

With the rise of social media and online communities, this approach has become increasingly popular. It uses the power of community (COMMUNITY, not audience) to drive engagement, retention, and, ultimately, product growth.

In a community-led growth strategy, you focus on building a community around your product or brand that becomes a venue for users to connect, share best practices, solve problems together, and become advocates for your product. The idea is to build a loyal base of users who are deeply engaged and willing to help improve and promote the product organically.

Customer Success-Led Growth

Here, the focus shifts to maximizing the value customers get from your product, which in turn drives upsells, cross-sells, and referrals. This strategy focuses on building deep relationships with customers, understanding their needs, and ensuring they achieve their desired outcomes with your product, leading to organic growth through retention and word-of-mouth

To successfully implement this strategy, you need to invest in customer success teams and tools, provide ongoing support and training, and continually gather feedback to improve the product.

Now, there is much more to growth strategies than what's mentioned above. Some companies use a combination of different approaches, while others come up with unique strategies that work for their specific product and industry. The whole point is to figure out sooner rather than later what works for your company and double down on that before you move on to the next stage of your go-to-market strategy.

Identifying Your Market: Who are you selling to?

"Define your target audience" is arguably the most overused phrase in marketing, but we also can't deny its importance. Before you can market or sell anything, you need to know exactly who you're aiming to reach. Once you figure that out, make sure the other side is receptive to your product.


Often, we see SaaS companies target audiences that don't really have a lot of interest in their product, no matter what their marketing or sales teams think or do. So, before you move on to the next step, make sure you actually have a genuine product-market fit and that your targeted audience actually likes you back.

How do you do that? Let's start with the ICP.

The Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is more than just a segment of your target market—it's a precise definition of the companies or entities that are likely to become your most valuable customers. 

The ICP isn't just about broad characteristics; it zeroes in on specific firmographic, environmental, and behavioral attributes that indicate a high likelihood of purchase and potential for long-term value.

Here’s why refining your ICP matters:

    • Alignment: A clear ICP ensures that all organizational efforts—from marketing and sales to service and executive teams—are focused on engaging the prospects that are most likely to convert and generate significant revenue.

    • Efficiency: Targeting your ICP leads to faster sales cycles because you’re speaking directly to the needs and pain points of a well-understood audience.

    • Effectiveness: By focusing on the accounts with the highest potential value, conversion rates and average contract values (ACV) tend to be higher.

    • Value maximization: Over time, focusing on the right customers can significantly increase customer lifetime value (LTV), as these customers are more likely to expand their use of your product and advocate for it within their networks.

How do you start defining your ICP? Here are a few key steps:

    1. Analyze your current customers: Look at your existing customer base and identify commonalities among them, such as industry, company size, or geographic location. You’re just starting out and don't have any existing customers? No worries, skip to step 2.

    2. Conduct market research: What's going on in the industry? What are the trends and pain points of potential customers? Where do you fit in? Use resources like industry reports, surveys, and interviews to get a full picture then use it to start working on your ICP.

    3. Formulate and test hypotheses: Based on your market research, develop hypotheses about who your ideal customer is. Test these hypotheses by interacting with potential customers through surveys, interviews, and a minimum viable product (MVP).

    4. Segment and focus: Identify the specific market segments that are most likely to benefit from your product. Consider firmographic data like industry type, company size, and revenue, as well as behavioral traits such as technology adoption rates and openness to innovation.

    5. Iterate, iterate, iterate: Just because you did the process once doesn’t mean the job is over. As your company grows and evolves, so will your ICP. Keep your eyes and ears open for changes in the market, new trends, and customer feedback to continuously refine your ICP. Remember, it is an ongoing process.

Setting Revenue Goals: What’s the financial target?

Now that you know who you’re targeting and how you're going to reach them, let's talk about how much money will that bring you. Without a realistic revenue goal in mind, it can be difficult to make decisions about the resources and investments needed to reach your target customers.

Tips for setting revenue goals:

  • Look at your current revenue trends and projections. How much growth have you seen in the past year? What is your projected growth based on current efforts?

  • Consider industry benchmarks and competitors. Are there similar companies in your industry that you can use as a benchmark for revenue goals?

  • Take into account your company's resources and capabilities. Can you realistically reach your target customers with the current resources and team size? Do you have the necessary infrastructure and technology to support growth?

  • Think about scalability. Is your product or service scalable to meet growing demand? How quickly can you scale up to reach your revenue goals?

  • Be realistic and factor in potential challenges. Ambitious revenue goals sound cool, but you have to be aware of potential obstacles that may impact your ability to reach them.


Positioning Your SaaS: How will you stand out?

In an interview with McKinsey & Company, James Bilefield, a founding member of Skype’s management team, highlighted a critical error many startups make: “scaling too fast before achieving a proper product market fit.”‍

So, what exactly is a product market fit, how does it relate to positioning your SaaS, and how do you include it in your go-to-market strategy?‍

Product market fit (PMF) is the degree to which a product satisfies the needs and wants of a target market. If a product doesn't have a strong PMF, you will run into a problem we mentioned above: your target audience is not interested in your product, or it doesn't meet their needs (See, figuring out your target market and ICP is not a waste of time after all).

As a result, you won't be able to scale and generate the desired revenue.‍

Positioning your SaaS refers to how you differentiate your product from competitors in the market. This involves identifying your value proposition/unique selling points and communicating them clearly to your target audience.

Achieving a strong PMF and effectively positioning your SaaS go hand in hand, and your GTM strategy should reflect this. 

A few things you have to do to properly position your SaaS include:

      1. Using all the data you can get your hands on: Seriously, every scrap of data you can collect from customer behavior, preferences, and feedback is gold. Use this information to really get under the skin of what makes your customers tick. This isn't just about tracking clicks; it’s about understanding their challenges and how your product solves them in real time.

      2. Think about the benefits, not just features: Here’s the thing—it will be much harder to differentiate your product if you’re focusing on features rather than benefits. Benefits are what customers really care about; they want to know how your product can make their lives easier or more efficient. Make sure your positioning highlights these benefits and how they align with the needs of your target market.

      3. Customer success focus: Emphasize how your product not only meets initial expectations but also supports ongoing customer success. This means looking at customer support, education, and community-building as integral to your product's value proposition.

      4. Validate with MVPs and pilots: Before going full scale, validate enhancements and new features with MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) or pilot programs within your targeted segments. This direct validation is a powerful way to ensure your adjustments are moving in the right direction for PMF.

      5. Stay on your toes: The tech world doesn’t stand still, and neither should your positioning. Keep an eye on the latest trends and be ready to adapt. What works today might not work tomorrow, so always be ready for more testing and tweaking.


Once you have an idea of your product's positioning, don't forget to actually validate it with your target market. The most tangible way to do this is with MVPs and pilot programs, as we mentioned before, along with feedback and surveys from existing customers. Continuously monitoring and adjusting your product's positioning will ensure that it stays relevant and resonates with your target market.

Pricing Strategy: How will you price your product?

One of the hardest decisions when bringing a product to market is figuring out how to price it. Your pricing strategy should align with the revenue goals you've set for your product, as well as the value it provides to your customers.

Here are a few common pricing strategies to consider:

  • Freemium SaaS pricing model: Popular with the B2B SaaS companies whose products may need a longer period to understand or grasp value from. This model allows new customers to use a basic version of your product for free, potentially leading to a paid upgrade as they require more features or value from your product.

  • Flat rate SaaS pricing model: This involves offering the product and all its features to users at a fixed monthly rate.

  • User-based SaaS pricing model: This pricing model involves charging your customers based on the number of users that will be using the product. It makes things easier for your customers because they can pick and choose a plan most suitable for their company size and change it if it increases or decreases.

  • Pricing per feature SaaS pricing model: In this model, your users’ subscription costs are determined by how many features they will need. This a-la-carte approach is easy to adapt to diverse user requirements.

  • Tiered SaaS pricing model: Most SaaS businesses use this pricing strategy because it allows you to target different types of customers since there’s a plan for everyone. It involves using multiple packages with various features and prices to attract customers.

  • Pay-as-you-go SaaS pricing model: This pricing strategy is most commonly used by infrastructure software companies and works by charging customers based on their usage of the product. It is beneficial for businesses that experience fluctuating demand or usage.

Each of these pricing models will work for different types of SaaS products and businesses. Your decision will ultimately depend on all the pieces of the puzzle we have discussed so far, such as your target market, competition, value proposition, and business goals. Here's a video of SaaStr where Kurt Smith, is talking about B2B SaaS pricing strategies:


Marketing Plan Essentials: How will you get the word out? 

Once you've nailed down your product details, pricing, and positioning, the challenge shifts to spreading the word and getting your product in front of the right people. Creating a marketing plan and figuring out where and how to promote can make or break your product's success in the crowded SaaS market.

Let's explore some essential things you'll have to include in your plan:

Defining your marketing goals: Just like your overall GTM strategy, your marketing efforts need clear, measurable goals. Are you focusing on brand awareness, lead generation, or customer acquisition? Maybe it’s all three. Whatever the case, your goals should align with the broader objectives of your business and your sales targets.

Identifying your key messaging: What are the key points you need to communicate about your product? Your messaging should be consistent with the positioning we defined earlier—highlighting benefits, not just features, and addressing specific pain points that resonate with your Ideal Customer Profile.

Selecting the right marketing channels:

  • Content marketing: Blogs, whitepapers, e-books, and case studies-each type of content adds to your brand's authority and drives traffic. Decide which types of content will serve your goals best and how often you can realistically create it.

  • Email marketing: Still one of the most effective marketing channels, especially in B2B environments. Use email campaigns to nurture leads, announce product updates, share news and content, and keep your audience engaged.

  • Social media marketing: Depending on your target audience, find some time to create a social media strategy and use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or even Instagram to reach out to potential customers and engage with your existing ones.
  • Paid Advertising: PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns on search engines or targeted ads on social media platforms can help increase brand visibility and drive traffic to your website. Just make sure to optimize your ads for the right audience and set a budget that aligns with your goals.
  • Webinars and Online Events: These can be particularly effective in the B2B space for demonstrating your product’s capabilities and industry knowledge. They also provide a platform for direct engagement with potential customers.

Whether your focus is on paid or organic, marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of activity. Just like with every other aspect of your go-to-market strategy, you need to continuously analyze the performance of all your channels and campaigns. Use data to understand what’s working and what’s not. This will allow you to make informed decisions and adjust your strategies as needed.

Sales Strategy: How will you close deals?

Now that you have a marketing plan in place, let's assume it will drive leads and potential customers to your business. But how do you convert those leads into paying customers? This is where your sales strategy comes into play.

Some of the growth strategies we previously mentioned will tie into your sales strategy as well, such as sales-led growth and product-led growth. Depending on the approach you choose, your sales strategy may vary. But generally, a sales strategy should have everyone on the same page about how your product will be sold and what tactics will be used to close deals.

One key aspect of a successful sales strategy is having a clearly defined sales process. This involves outlining the steps you will take to reach out and engage with potential customers, as well as how you will handle objections, negotiate deals, and take over from marketing. Without a defined process, your sales team may struggle to effectively convert leads into customers.

Another important factor in your sales strategy is having a strong value proposition, which takes us back to the importance of your brand messaging. As you can see, all aspects of your GTM strategy are interconnected. Without an ICP, marketing plan, and strong brand messaging, your sales team may struggle to effectively engage with potential customers and close deals, which will affect your bottom line.

Launch Timing: When's the right time to go live?

Maybe the most important part of your GTM strategy is determining the right timing for your product launch. But how do you know when the timing is right? Here are a few things to consider:


Product readiness

Is your product fully developed and ready to see the light of day?  This doesn’t just mean being bug-free and user-friendly—though those are definitely top of the list. It also means having enough of your product tested through MVPs or betas to ensure it meets market needs effectively. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure your product is... well, at least minimally viable before launching.

Market demand

One last check to make sure you actually performed that customer research! Is there a clear demand for your product in the market? Have you identified a specific target audience, and have they expressed interest in your product? If yes, cool, move on. If not, please go back to step two and do some more research.

Competitive landscape

You know how no one wants to launch an album at the same time as Beyonce or Taylor Swift? The same goes for your product. Keep an eye on your competitors and any major product releases that may take the spotlight away from yours. Of course, you can’t control everything, but being aware of potential competition can help you strategize and potentially adjust your launch timing.

Business cycles

Every industry has its rhythm, and timing your launch to align with the natural business cycles of your target customers can give you a leg up. For example, budget cycles in many industries start fresh in Q1; launching just before this can position your SaaS product as a prime candidate for those new budget allocations. Understanding when your potential customers are most likely to feel the pain points that your product solves—or when they’re most open to new solutions—is key.

Apart from the points mentioned above, there are a few other things you may want to put on your launch checklist. While they may not be as critical, they can still contribute to a successful launch.

These include:

  • Team readiness: Is your team fully prepared for the launch? Have they been trained and equipped with all the necessary information about the product? Make sure everyone is on the same page and ready to handle any issues that may arise during the launch.

  • Marketing materials: This includes everything from your website, social media accounts, and advertising campaigns. Is it all ready, or do you need to make some final touches? Make sure your messaging is consistent and aligns with your overall launch strategy.

  • Customer support: What is your plan for providing customer support after the launch? Will there be a designated team or point of contact? It's important to have a plan in place to address any questions or concerns your customers may have.

  • The cultural calendar: Consider any upcoming events or holidays that may affect the launch of your product. Launching during a busy season may result in less attention from potential customers, so it's important to time your launch strategically.

  • Feedback channels: Have you set up ways for customers to provide feedback after the launch? This can include surveys, customer reviews, or even direct communication with your team. Gathering feedback will not only help improve your product but also show that you value your customers' opinions.

Analytics: How will you measure success?

After all the brainstorming, planning, and hustling, your product is ready to go live. But don’t pop the champagne just yet. There is still one last thing to decide on before you can wrap up your go-to-market strategy: measuring your success.

With all the metrics being pushed on SaaS founders these days, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are relevant for your specific product and launch. So, let's narrow it down to a few key metrics that can help you understand the success of your product launch:

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Let’s start with the basics—how much does it actually cost you to win a customer? This is what CAC is all about. It’s a straightforward formula: total marketing and sales expenses divided by the number of new customers acquired over the same period. 

Why does it matter? Because every dollar counts, and if you’re spending more to acquire a customer than they bring in, well, you’re in a tricky spot.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

If CAC is the cost, LTV is the reward. This metric tells you the total revenue you can expect from a single customer as long as they stay with your SaaS. It’s a peek into the future of your customer relationships and a powerful gauge of long-term viability. To calculate it, multiply the average revenue per user by the average customer lifespan.

Conversion Rate

This metric is all about effectiveness—how well are your leads turning into customers? It’s a critical measure of your sales funnel’s health and efficiency. To get this, divide the number of new customers by the total leads, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. 

Are your conversion rates lower than expected? It might be time to revamp your landing pages, call-to-action buttons, or even your product demo.

Churn Rate

The dreaded churn—no one likes it, but everyone has to deal with it. The churn rate measures how many customers you’re losing over a given period. It’s an unavoidable part of business, but a high churn rate can be a red flag that something’s amiss—maybe it’s customer service, maybe it’s the product itself. 

To calculate, divide the number of customers lost during the period by the number at the start, then multiply by 100. Keep this number low, and your MRR (we’ll get to that) will thank you.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Your SaaS’s financial backbone—MRR. It’s exactly what it sounds like: the predictable revenue you expect every month, based solely on subscriptions. It helps you keep your financial health in check and plan for the future with better accuracy. Watching MRR trends can also alert you to the impacts of new features, pricing changes, or market shifts.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

Not all leads are created equal. MQLs are those potential customers who’ve engaged with your marketing efforts and are considered likely to become customers. SQLs are a step further—they’ve been vetted by the sales team and are ready for a direct pitch. Tracking the conversion paths and rates from MQL to SQL and finally to a paying customer can provide insights into your sales funnel’s effectiveness and help identify any leaks.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Last but definitely not least, NPS measures customer satisfaction and loyalty. It’s a straightforward question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to others?” Detractors (0-6) are unhappy customers, passives (7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic, and promoters (9-10) are your product’s cheerleaders. The higher your NPS, the healthier your product and service are perceived to be.

Things to Avoid When Creating a GTM Strategy

By now, you should have a decent understanding of the basics of a go-to-market strategy and the key elements that go into creating one. Before we wrap it up, though, it’s important to highlight a few things that can derail your GTM strategy if not handled correctly.


Ignoring the Customer

This is GTM strategy sin number one. Your customers are the reason your product exists, and they should be at the forefront of every decision you make. Every aspect of your go-to-market strategy should be customer-centric. Unless you truly understand your target audience and their wants, needs, and pain points, your strategy is likely to fall flat.

Excluding the Consumer Role in Your GTM

Each customer uses your product differently depending on a variety of factors, including their industry, size, and market pressures. An effective go-to-market strategy doesn't just acknowledge these differences—it embraces them. Understand how different segments of your customer base use your product and what specific jobs they need it to perform. This insight will guide you in creating more targeted, relevant marketing and sales strategies that resonate with each segment.

Using Too Many Marketing Strategies

In the world of marketing, more isn't always better. It’s tempting to try every tactic in the book to reach your audience, but this scattershot approach can dilute your message and exhaust your budget. Focus instead on strategies that truly align with your brand and reach your target audience effectively. Quality over quantity should be your mantra here.

Targeting Too Many Markets at Once

While it’s tempting to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks, a scattered approach will dilute your brand message and exhaust your budget and resources. Focus is key. Choose a few marketing strategies that align best with your goals and customer preferences, and execute them well. Quality over quantity will lead to a more consistent and impactful message that cuts through the noise.

Going to Market to Enterprises Without Cause, Connections, or Plan

Enterprises are the big fish, but they're not always the first adopters. They tend to be risk-averse and have lengthy procurement processes. Without a clear plan, the right connections, or a good reason, attempting to approach these organizations can waste time and resources. Ensure you have a solid enterprise strategy, backed by strong case studies or pilot results, before knocking on their doors.

Not Sanity-Checking Product Ideas

This might sound obvious, but it's frequently overlooked: always validate your product ideas with your target market before going all-in. Use MVPs, beta testing, or direct customer feedback to check if your product actually solves a problem. There's nothing more tragic in the business world than a well-executed launch of a product nobody wants.

3 Final Tips and Best Practices

Alright, let’s put a bow on this guide by adding three final tips to keep your GTM strategy on track:

1. Keep it simple

Ever heard of the KISS principle? “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” Harsh, but often needed advice. Your go-to-market strategy should be sleek and straightforward. Complexity might sound impressive, but simplicity wins the game.

This means having clear, digestible paths to your goals, uncomplicated product offerings, and messaging that hits home fast.

Why? Because when everyone from your tech team to your salespeople understands the plan, executing it becomes significantly easier. Plus, customers love it when they can grasp your value prop without pulling out a dictionary.

2. Build your GTM strategy while you’re building your product

We've mentioned this before, but your go-to-market strategy really shouldn't be an afterthought. It should be considered and planned out as you develop your product. 

Why? Because your GTM strategy will heavily influence the product development process. It’s much easier to adapt the product to your market's needs if you keep them in mind from the get-go.

3. Stick to one market, one audience, and one acquisition channel at a time

In the world of SaaS, trying to be all things to all people is a common trap. Don’t fall for it. Focus your efforts on nailing it in one market with one audience using one acquisition channel before you even think about expanding. This isn’t just about making your life easier (though it does); it’s about crafting your efforts so they strike precisely where they need to, without wasting resources.


There you have it! A simple guide to developing your GTM strategy. If you sit down and actually do your research, put together a solid plan based on the steps above, and follow through with it, you'll be on your way to a successful launch.

Even though you will probably want to rush through this stage and get your product to market as soon as possible, it's important to take the time to truly understand your product-market fit, refine your messaging, and build a well-thought-out strategy. Don’t rush the process or try to cut corners – take the time to do it right, and you’ll see results. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and stay focused on your target market. Happy launching!