Guide to Community-Led Growth for B2B SaaS

In this guide on community-led growth for B2B SaaS, you'll learn about community-led growth, its key benefits, and a detailed strategy specifically designed for B2B SaaS companies. You will also learn how to build your community using the SPACES model, effectively measure success, and overcome common challenges.

What is Community-Led Growth?

Community-led growth is a strategic approach for SaaS companies to drive organic growth and build customer loyalty. It involves creating an engaged and supportive community, which helps companies expand their reach, improve customer retention, and reduce customer acquisition costs.

Let's put it this way: being community-led means being people-led, and if you are people-led, you put the voice of your people over everything. Meaning you put your customers front and center, you nurture them, you make sure they have the best customer experience with you, and you encourage them to share their interests with other people as well.

It also allows customers to be part of a community that enhances the value of the product or service by enabling them to learn about the product at their own pace alongside other customers. 

The core of the community-led growth strategy is ensuring that customers keep coming back to you, not out of habit, but because they feel valued by you and they are connected to your brand on a more personal level.

Here's a video created by Lloyed Lobo, explaining CLG:


The Difference Between an Audience and a Community

Many confuse an audience with a community.

An audience is a large group of people who listen to and engage with you but not with others who are part of your customer base. They don’t necessarily feel a sense of belonging or shared identity with the rest.

Your community is usually smaller groups of people who create a network of relationships on the platform you engage or own. Usually, they have shared beliefs and identities and feel connected to you on a deeper level. 

Social identity theory is a big reason why communities share the same interests and views. According to Wikipedia, social identity theory suggests that an organization can change individual behaviors if it can modify their self-identity or part of their self-concept, derived from the knowledge of and emotional attachment to the group.

The easiest way to look at audience vs. community is:

Audience = One-to-many relationships

Community = Many-to-many relationships


While audience growth may promise short-term gains, nurturing a community will give you long-lasting results. 

Here are a few reasons why you should prioritize building a community over growing an audience:

1. Authentic Engagement

Unlike audience growth, which can sometimes feel transactional, community-building encourages genuine connections and meaningful interactions. Engaging in real conversations within a community establishes trust, credibility, and loyalty among your users.

2. Insider Information

Communities are great sources of feedback, ideas, and bug reports. Pay attention to what your community is saying, and you’ll gain deep insights into their needs and preferences, enabling you to tailor your products and services to serve them better.

3. Competition Asset

Having a community can really set you apart from competitors. It shows potential customers that you're more than just a product – you're a trusted partner invested in their success. This sense of belonging and ownership cultivates loyalty, reduces churn, and drives advocacy.

4. Continuous Growth

Unlike traditional marketing funnels that end at the point of purchase, community-led growth creates an engagement cycle. By nurturing relationships post-sale, you turn customers into advocates who fuel further growth through referrals, feedback, and support.

Public Communities vs. Branded Communities

The first step of the Community-Led Growth strategy is obviously to start taking initiatives to build your community. You go about this in two ways: engage in public communities or build your own branded community.

Public Communities

Discord channels, Facebook groups, Reddit discussions, online forums, and many other types of social networks are the creators of these public communities. Most of these channels are part of what we call the Dark Social

The discussions in these communities are often formed around specific topics or interests where members who share the same interests or purpose come together to engage with one another. These members tend to be highly involved and passionate about the subject. 

The best way to start building your community on these channels is to find niche discussions you can join and participate in. Once you join them, share your insights, answer questions, and address concerns to position yourself as a valuable contributor and establish a genuine connection with others.

For example, if you want to become the go-to person in the SaaS field, join the r/SaaS forum on Reddit. The more you engage in these discussions, the more people get to know you and the more trust they gain in you, so let your presence be known.


Branded Communities

Once you have gotten your name out in these dark social channels and have built some type of customer base that has trust and credibility in you, you can start building your own branded community.

At this stage, your community already exists online. Instead of guiding your customers from one educational model to another, why not create a dynamic space where they can interact, learn, and progress at their own pace? 

The beauty of establishing your own community space is the freedom it offers. There are no boundaries to what you can create, post, or share. You can develop your own academy, share topic-specific podcasts, create a pillar page for a particular subject, and produce a wide range of unlimited content.

The ones who are a part of your brand community are the ones who follow your content on social media, do word-of-mouth marketing, and connect with others who share the same affinity about your brand the same way as they do.

Consider the Gong community as a prime example. Gong recognized the benefits of fostering its own community, leading to the creation of a dedicated website called Visionaries. This platform allows members to join various groups, connect with fellow Gong customers through the customer network, and even participate in courses offered by their academy.


Remember, having a brand community is a lot more than just building brand awareness. 

Branded community allows you to: 

  • Test new product mockups 
  • Ask about feature releases 
  • Share blog content  
  • Collect general feedback for improvement
  • Make customer-driven decisions. 

So, make sure you’re creating one that thrives and rewards its community members.

Benefits of Community-Led Growth

A community-led growth strategy is an evolution of all the previous growth strategies. It has numerous benefits beyond just increasing revenue. 

Let's take a look at some of the key ones:

Meets Consumer Expectations

GLG provides a platform for community members to share their feedback or ideas and report any bugs related to your product. These valuable insights from your customers will help you to ensure that every update and future SaaS product you develop caters to the needs and demands of your community.

Is a Strong Asset in the Face of Competition

Having a community is an asset that can't be duplicated. It's organic, and it's unique. It is a sign that you're doing something right that draws people to your product. Investing in community-led initiatives like co-creation, crowdfunding, or community outreach creates a sense of ownership and engagement among community members, resulting in increased loyalty and advocacy.

This also gives you a huge competitive advantage, lowering customer acquisition and retention costs, reducing customer churn, and increasing customer loyalty. The most loyal customers will stick to your brand, reject competitors' offers, and become early adopters of the new products you launch.

Creates a Continuous Cycle of Growth

In a regular marketing and sales funnel, the process ends when someone buys your product. However, with Community-led Growth, the purchase is just the beginning. After someone has bought your product, you can support them in achieving their goals and guide them towards becoming passionate promoters of your business. 

These fans can even assist in boosting the pre- and post-sale processes. People recommending your products will increase your sales, getting feedback can help you improve your product, and responding to customer inquiries can help new users get on board.

Constantly Engage Your Audience

One of the main reasons customers stop using your SaaS product is the feeling of being alone when struggling with something. They might not find an answer to their queries, or they can't get help troubleshooting an issue with the SaaS product. 

This is where the SaaS community can play a crucial role. By providing support to one another, users will feel like they have a place to ask questions and get help. The SaaS community's support is not limited to troubleshooting problems; it can also include giving advice, sharing best practices, and providing moral support. In other words, the online community is an organic customer success channel. 

Community-Led Growth Strategy for B2B SaaS

Every so often, a new growth strategy arises in the SaaS industry that claims it will do wonders for you… Until it doesn't.

The latest growth strategy that has gained momentum these past few years was the product-led growth strategy. The heart of the PLG strategy is the product itself, which leads your whole business growth, including attracting, converting, and retaining customers.

So why isn't relying solely on the PLG strategy working anymore? Well, let's say that people have been fooled too many times. There is always a new product that arises in the SaaS market that claims it will solve all your problems overnight. And customers are getting tired of signing up for a SaaS tool once again, even if it's free and "the best one" so far.

People crave trust and credibility; to build that, you need more than just a great product. This is why community-led growth is becoming a key component of the go-to-market strategy for many SaaS companies.

On the other hand, building a community around your SaaS product offers a lot of benefits. It goes beyond the product itself, providing value to your customers in a way that a product-led strategy simply can't. 

It builds real, authentic conversations, encourages user interactions and information sharing, and creates a network of like-minded individuals who become advocates, further boosting the community. 

Transitioning to a community-led growth strategy means moving away from the traditional linear funnel from awareness to purchase. Instead, it's about embracing a community-led flywheel. 

Why a flywheel and not a funnel? Because building a community is an ongoing process that doesn't end after a customer makes a purchase. It's a continuous cycle of engagement, advocacy, and growth.

The community-led growth flywheel consists of four stages:

1. Acquisition
In the first stage, your prospect becomes a customer and starts using your product while building a relationship with you. The best way to get new customers is by joining online communities and getting in front of your target audience. After you have built some type of customer base, start encouraging user-generated content to increase your visibility. Additionally, craft up-to-date content to keep your audience informed.

2. Adoption

Your customer learns how to use your product, starts using it regularly, and understands the value you provide for him. Once you get new customers, focus on providing the best onboarding experience by delivering everything they need, including knowledge base articles, videos, webinars, infographics, etc. Additionally, your community can further help the new customers get up to speed by offering their support

3. Retention

You continuously support your customer by trying to form a loyal relationship with him. This may involve giving them personalized support, addressing their concerns quickly, and ensuring they're satisfied with your offer. The goal here is to build long-lasting relationships.

4. Advocacy 

Your loyal customers will start recommending your product to their peers and bringing new people into the company. In this last stage, your community becomes the central hub for recruiting future advocates for your company. Identify your most active customers who help others, provide references, and are happy with your product. Invite them to join your advocacy program and use their network to strengthen your brand and attract new customers.


Community-Led Growth vs. Product-Led Growth

These past few years, there has been an explosion of SaaS companies implementing product-led growth as their go-to-market strategy, and for a good reason. They figured out that when you produce a great product that can speak for itself and provide value, it will naturally attract more customers at lower costs, reaching beyond traditional methods, like paid advertising and cold calling, which are inherently limited by budget and people power. 

Followed by the success stories of Calendly, Slack, and Dropbox, today, many SaaS companies offer a "freemium" version of their product or a free trial to entice their target market to create an account and experience the offering's value firsthand.

However, regardless of how good your SaaS product is, it won't be able to maintain transactions if you don't start building a connection with your customers. This is where community-led growth becomes a differentiator.

The main difference between product-led and community-led growth lies in their starting points: PLG begins with the solution, whereas CLG starts with the customer. Community-led growth gives customers a platform on which they can explore your product, whereas product-led growth is the one that guides users through their product journey. When you combine them, these approaches create a powerful growth strategy.

SaaStr has some interesting take on how community-leg growth drives product-led growth; check their video:


In the PLG, people are encouraged to try the product, but these people have little to no contribution to larger conversations around your product.

In the CLG, people are encouraged to join a community where they feel welcomed and valued as members whose opinions and contributions add shared value to all users – which in turn benefits the business.

By actively participating in user interaction and providing value beyond the product, CLG allows you to gain a better insight into your customer pipeline, receive new feature requests, and provide real-time support while letting users get the maximum benefit from the product. This creates a cycle of active users who become advocates, contributing to the community's growth.


Community-Led Growth vs. Marketing-Led Growth

Almost every market, including the SaaS, is becoming extremely saturated. Everyone is trying to stand out, so everyone is bombarding the customers with sales outreaches and marketing messages that are increasingly coming off as noises. 

Relying on these marketing initiatives like content marketing, search engine optimization, email campaigns, and online advertising, which the marketing-led growth strategy is based on, is not enough to drive growth.

Customers remember all the times they were fooled by great marketing that promised a lot but ended up with a mediocre-performing SaaS product and burned with wasted time and money. Now, we don’t say completely forget all marketing-led growth initiatives; some are extremely important for educating your customers and building a closer relationship with them, but you need to combine them with community-led growth initiatives. 

So, how do you create a cohesive strategy where you combine MLG initiatives with CLG? Start with producing content focused on educating your customers about your product and its benefits.


Community-Led Growth vs. Sales-Led Growth

Being a “sales-led” company means you rely on the skills and efforts of your sales team to bring in new customers. You recruit, train, and build a skilled team of high-performing sales professionals who need to establish efficient sales cycles and allocate necessary resources to support their sales efforts.

On the other hand, being a community-led growth company means you are focusing on building, growing, and nurturing a thriving community around your brand. When done right, GLG adds significant value to the product experience, helping with customer acquisition, retention, and account expansion. 

In a sales-driven world, buyers have to trust the salesperson. In a community-led growth world, buyers turn to their community of friends and peers for guidance.

Even if you are a sales-led company, building an active community will allow your sales team to engage with potential customers. Your community is often the first point of contact potential customers have with you.


How to Build Your Community-Led Growth Strategy

To successfully implement a community-led growth strategy, you need to have a well-thought-out plan in place. It requires more than just creating a community and expecting people to join in. You need to have a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs to create a community that resonates with them.

Here are 5 steps you can take to make this process a little easier:

1. Conduct Audience Research

Audience research is a step mentioned in almost all strategies, but no matter how tired you are from hearing it, it can’t be missed. So, before you start building your community, be clear about what goals you want to achieve and how your audience can help you achieve those goals. 

Do your research and see on which platform your community is hanging out. Are they active on Reddit or Quorra, or is there a specific Facebook group that they have created? This will help you tremendously when deciding on which platform or place you want to build your community.

Make sure you plan ahead and back up every decision you make with insights from your audience research. To do this research, you can send surveys, have one-on-one interviews, or gather focus groups.

Additionally, you can analyze social media data and website data to get better insights. Keep in mind that this is something you should do continuously, as ongoing feedback helps you keep your goals and priorities straight and your efforts focused on customers' needs.

Knowing what your audience wants and expects from you will help you produce targeted content, encourage them to join discussions, share their knowledge, or participate in events.

2. Have a Community-Dedicated Team

Building a community is not a one-person job, you need a team of people who will help you with it. Define who from your team is gonna own your community, who else is gonna be a part of that team, and to whom they should report.

If you think there isn’t someone from your team who is qualified enough to run a community, consider hiring an expert. If, 15 years ago, there were only a few people who could build communities relying on few resources, today, we have numerous community professionals who are experts in it.

3. Engage With Your Members and Nurture Your Relationships

One of the pillars of successful community building is continuous engagement, and the other one is nurturing your community relationships.

Members want to see that you are available to offer help, guidance, or assistance whenever they need it. Therefore, it's essential to have one or more dedicated community managers who can participate daily in discussions, start conversations, provide answers, and continuously nurture relationships.

4. Measure Your Community-Led Success

Identifying the right metrics for growth and measuring the impact of community-led strategies can be challenging. Specific KPIs and member activities to track depend on your goals and the system you build for measuring success. Some metrics you can track to evaluate success include month-over-month growth, weekly interactions, average referral rate, and event engagement. Branded search is also important. But at the end of the day, focus on what matters to you.

5. Provide Value and Personalization

Offer valuable resources, exclusive content, and personalized support to your community members. See what their pain points are, and then provide solutions to solve them. Engage with your community regularly, respond to their feedback promptly, and build genuine connections. Personalize your approach by tailoring content and interactions based on the interests and preferences of your community members.

SPACES Model: Community Building Framework

The discussion about how to measure the business value of Community-Led Growth is an ongoing one with differing viewpoints. Some argue that traditional metrics like Return On Investment (ROI) are not enough to capture the true value of community strategies due to their focus on financial returns and inability to account for the complex human and social dynamics involved. Instead, newer frameworks like the SPACES Framework, developed by CMX, emphasize aligning community strategies with broader business objectives such as Support, Product, Acquisition, Contribution, Engagement, and Success.

The SPACES Framework suggests that communities can impact various business areas, acting as catalysts for accelerating business results. This approach is supported by researchers who advocate for a balanced combination of measurement and listening to understand the evolving needs of communities. Some companies prefer ad-hoc frameworks that integrate community strategies with business objectives, like the SPACES Framework, to communicate the value of community more effectively rather than relying solely on metrics.

The SPACES framework suggests that communities can help businesses achieve six primary objectives, which ultimately lead to the growth of the company through a community-led approach. These six objectives are Support, Product, Acquisition, Contribution, Engagement, and Success (SPACES).


Let’s take a look at how these six objectives play a part in building your community:

S: Support

Communities enable users to help one another by answering questions or solving problems for each other, which reduces the overall customer support cost and enhances customer satisfaction. This type of help can take the form of a support forum where people go to ask or answer questions and get the knowledge they need.

These types of forums represent one of the earliest forms of online communities and are generally the easiest when it comes to calculating the ROI. The Fitbit Community, Google Classroom Help Community, and the Promethean Support Community are just a few examples of these support forums.

P: Product (Ideation, Innovation & Feedback)

Product communities are places that allow members to share ideas and feedback that drive innovation and improve products. Bringing users or customers together gives you an opportunity to collect their insights and generate ideas for innovative features, identify the most important changes that will enhance your products, and save time and money on surveys.

If you want to take it a step further, involve your community in the entire product development process, from design to development, and ensure the voice of the customer is present in everything you create.

The most common metrics for product communities include product ideas, feature adoption, new user-generated content, customer satisfaction, and the number of event attendees. 

A: Acquisition

Many brands establish communities with the hope that members will become brand ambassadors, advocate their products, and recruit new users. The primary goal of these communities is to attract more people onboard, acquire more customers, and increase the pipeline value. The community's secondary goal is to get people to try the product through a free trial or freemium, which can help attract leads and prospects.

When building these communities, you will most likely closely intersect with the marketing team. A company can tell people to buy its product, but it’s much more powerful to have authentic advocates promoting the product or experience. If companies can connect their advocates and give them tools to be successful, they can drive massive growth and customer loyalty.

The most common metrics used to measure the success of these communities are new customers, new user/member signups, number of active users, and conversation engagement.

C: Contribution

Communities are formed by people who contribute content that makes up the product or other assets. The way businesses function is changing with the birth of distributed content models. These models allow your customers to create value through user-generated content and open-source platforms while the business is the one that provides the platform.

The most common metrics used to measure success in these communities are new user-generated content, active users, conversation engagement through posts, comments, DMs, etc., new user/member signups, and the number of event attendees.

E: Engagement

Engagement communities provide a space for people with a shared interest related to the company's software to come together and discuss best practices, share tips, and provide feedback.

For instance, a project management software company may create a community for project managers to discuss ways to optimize project management workflows. Similarly, a marketing automation software company may create a community for marketers to discuss marketing strategies and tactics.

The most common metrics for external engagement communities include active engagement, conversation engagement (posts, comments, DMs, etc.), number of event attendees, new user-generated content, and new user/member signups.

S: Success

Building on the momentum gained from customer support communities, success communities go beyond basic question handling and actively promote improved product adoption and increased customer lifetime value. 

These communities provide a platform for customers to connect with each other, share best practices, and receive assistance in refining their product usage and developing effective strategies. Additionally, successful communities can empower customers to serve as mentors and educators for others. 

Key metrics for success communities typically include engagement of active users, acquisition of new users/members, Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer retention, and customer satisfaction.

How to Measure the Success of Community-Led Growth?

To know if the community you are building is thriving or not, you need to establish and track clear KPIs to gain insights into the overall progress of your community initiatives. Each community KPI needs to be a clearly defined, quantifiable goal. Setting certain KPIs and regularly tracking them allows you to better understand your audience’s needs, take proper action to increase community engagement, and ultimately increase the customer's lifetime value.

If you are not certain which metrics to track, here are a few we recommend:

Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU)

Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU) are metrics that represent engagement and activity within a community. They can show you which areas of your community need improvement and help you make informed decisions.

DAU is the number of unique users who interact with a community on a daily basis. This metric provides a snapshot of the community's daily activity level. Comparing DAU over time will allow you to track short-term engagement trends and determine whether your community is growing, stagnating, or declining in popularity.

Conversely, MAU represents the number of unique users who interact with your community on a monthly basis. This metric provides a more comprehensive view of the community's overall activity level, including how engaged users are over a longer period. By tracking MAU over time, you get a better understanding of the size and reach of your community and identify trends in user behavior.


Active Member Rate

The active member rate takes into account the number of community members actively participating in discussions, sharing content, interacting with others, or contributing to the community in any meaningful way. You can track this metric daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly 

The active member rate gives you an overview percentage of both active and inactive members. If the inactive percentage starts to grow, that’s a clear indicator that something needs to change.

Sending out a member survey is a great way to understand why this group is not participating in your online community.

This metric can also help you identify patterns and trends in member behavior, which can be used to inform your community management strategies, content creation, and engagement initiatives.

New Member Acquisition Rate

Monitoring the addition of new members on a weekly or monthly basis shows you the growth trajectory of your online community. New members bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and contributions to the community. When this KPI increases, that indicates that you have a healthy community environment.

New members expand your community, and as your community expands, so do the opportunities and partnerships. You can also monitor your new member acquisition rate to find out where your new members came from and adjust your outreach tactics accordingly.

Conversion Rate

The conversation rate measures how effective your engagement activities are in persuading your community to take a specific action, such as sign-ups, purchases, downloads, or referrals.

the engagement of your community by tracking the number of sign-ups, purchases, downloads, or referrals.

By tracking the conversion rate, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how your community initiatives influence member behavior and decision-making processes. A high conversion rate is a clear indicator of the community's capacity to drive member actions and deliver tangible outcomes.

Total Discussions

This KPI shows you the number of ongoing discussions, the number of exchanged ideas, and the mutual community interactions, which are all great measures of overall community engagement and vitality. Using this metric can help you identify popular topics to which you can contribute, encourage meaningful discussion, and tailor your content to the needs of your community. 

Community Impact

In the end, every community focuses on increasing its membership base. It's important to keep track of the number of individuals whose lives have been positively impacted by your community. Create a collection of written, audio, and video testimonials that demonstrate how your community has helped people grow personally or provided vital support during difficult times. These stories are not only valuable for showcasing your community's positive impact, but they can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for others.

Challenges of Community-Led Growth Strategy

Building a successful community-led growth strategy is more than just being active on a certain forum or participating in a niche discussion. And as same as almost every growth strategy, there are certain limitations you may face when trying to implement this strategy, which can  be divided into five main insights:

1. One Size Does Not Fit All

There are different types of communities that vary across many variables, such as the maturity of the community, the business objective of the community, the way the community is managed and monitored, and the type of community members. This makes it difficult to copy or replicate the community strategy of other seemingly similar communities. Therefore, there is no perfect solution in terms of strategy or platform to adopt. 

2. A Leap of Faith

Investing in community building is a "leap of faith," and here is why. Since people are constantly evolving, communities are constantly changing, too. In community management, there are some external variables that community professionals simply have no control over. Therefore, there is no certainty of a guaranteed outcome. The best solution to this unpredictability is to always be empathetic: listen to community members, engage with them, and understand what worries them to redirect their behaviors. 

3. Find a Unique Differentiating Value

When building a community there is always the challenge of providing a unique differentiating value to your community members. As more and more companies are starting to build communities, you need to come up with a unique value proposition that guarantees community members that they won't find this community experience anywhere else.

4. Recognize the Top Contributors, Reward Them, and Keep Them

Top contributors in a community are individuals who drive the best results and are one of the best tools you can use when it comes to achieving your business goals. You need to know how to identify and categorize these individuals and also reward them for their actions in order to retain them. These top contributors are the foundation of one community, and just like a house that would collapse without its foundation, a community needs to retain its founding members to thrive.

5. The Challenge of Connecting

One of the key benefits that a community can offer to its members is the opportunity to have a one-to-one connection. In small communities, day-to-day tasks can be easily performed. 

However, maintaining this intimate and personal bond on a larger scale is less hands-on. If there is a desire to scale and expand the community, there is also a challenge to maintain a personal touch with each member. 

Some companies (e.g., Company F, Company E) have adopted a solution of subdividing the larger community into smaller micro-communities. This way, the community members know that they are part of something big, but they still feel taken care of.

What are examples of community-led growth companies?

If you are still not sure if community-led growth is the best strategy for you, take a look at some of the companies that implemented and got some amazing results from it:


Notion, the unique productivity and note-taking software, gained traction when its customers started sharing its benefits on social media platforms like Facebook groups and YouTube. This was the start of a community-led strategy for Notion.

Notion took notice of its customers' active involvement in various online communities and developed a community-led strategy based on these trends. Today, Notion allows its customers to lead the community while closely monitoring and working with some community members to ensure that all members feel welcomed. The Notion team provides community members with tools to ensure a thriving community and increase engagement.

As a result of this strategy, Notion now has a Reddit user base of over 300K active users.


SurferSEO is a company that understands the importance of community, and they have been promoting it since 2017. They created their own private Facebook page, which today has thousands of members. Additionally, SurferSEO offers live training sessions at their Surfer Academy. The academy provides a wealth of content, including tips and tricks, live sessions, and training videos on mastering the English language.


The SAP community is an extensive network of users who have come together to share their knowledge, experience, and ideas regarding the software. It is essentially a platform created by the users for the users. 

This community offers a vast array of resources, ranging from customer support queries to innovative ideas about the software. Whether a beginner or an expert, you can always find something useful and informative within this community. It is a great place to connect with other SAP users, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. 


Community-led growth strategy can help B2B SaaS companies not only drive growth but also build trust, loyalty, and engagement among their user base. By focusing on creating genuine communities, you can meet your consumer expectations, stand out from your competition, and create a continuous cycle of growth that's fueled by user interaction and support.

While implementing a community-led growth strategy may seem daunting, it can be a powerful tool for increasing your brand's conversions, retention, and revenue. Make sure to develop a growth strategy that fits your company's needs and objectives by considering various factors, including your target audience, your product or service offering, and your marketing goals.