Demand Generation for SaaS Blog

B2B SaaS GTM Strategies vs. Other Product Strategies

Written by A88Lab. | May 24, 2024 2:20:12 PM

Whether you are launching your initial offer or you are introducing a new SaaS product to the market, having a strong go-to-market strategy is essential for achieving success. Imagine the SaaS market as a map filled with opportunities and obstacles.

When developing a GTM strategy for B2B SaaS, it's not just about launching a product, it's about orchestrating well-thought-out marketing, sales, and customer engagement strategies built to attract, engage and capture your ICPs. Unlike traditional product strategies, SaaS GTM strategies require complete alignment of marketing, sales, and product teams, all pulling in the same direction and following the same strategy. 

Let’s see what makes the GTM strategy for SaaS products different from other product strategies:

What is the Go-To-Market Strategy for B2B SaaS

SaaS companies do not sell typical tangible goods. While they have a product, there is always a level of service involved in the value proposition. Therefore, the go-to-market strategy for a SaaS product must consider the complete service lifecycle, from the initial customer acquisition to ongoing support and renewal.

The GTM strategy for SaaS must promise and deliver an exceptional customer experience that takes into account both the user feedback and the market demands. The value of SaaS lies in its ability to improve and adapt, addressing pain points as they arise and making customer success a central pillar of the strategy.

In B2B SaaS, the target is not just one person but an entire organization. This complexity requires a GTM strategy that addresses various stakeholders within a company, each with its own set of expectations and decision-making power. Moreover, targeting a small startup versus a large enterprise drastically changes the game. Therefore, the GTM strategy must be adapted to the needs, decision-making processes, and buying cycles of different company sizes.

SaaS companies need to also focus on building lasting relationships. Neglecting the entire customer lifecycle risks losing customers. Therefore, a SaaS GTM strategy needs to consider customer retention tactics such as ongoing support, regular communication, and continuous improvement to keep customers happy and loyal.

A well-crafted GTM strategy can help you answer several crucial questions, including:

  • Why (brand positioning): It focuses on how to position your product to stand out from the competition by defining your unique value proposition and communicating it clearly to your target audience. This includes developing a compelling brand positioning strategy that highlights the distinct advantages of your product or service
  • Where (target markets): The GTM strategy provides insights to make informed decisions about where and how to launch your product, taking into account various target markets. This minimizes risks and maximizes potential growth by strategically entering the most promising markets.
  • How (marketing plans): The strategy helps you determine the customer acquisition cost and choose the most suitable acquisition strategies. By understanding and managing customer acquisition costs, you can optimize your marketing spend and improve the return on investment. It also involves developing comprehensive marketing plans tailored to effectively reach and engage your target audience.
  • When (timing): The GTM strategy provides a clear path for entering a new market with a new product, an existing product, or testing new products in different markets. By carefully considering the timing of your product launch, you can ensure that it aligns with market trends and demands, maximizing the potential for success.

In essence, a GTM strategy for SaaS companies is a detailed how-to plan when launching new products or features. It’s not just about having a great product; it’s about launching it the right way, at the right time, and to the right audience.

Customer Experience in SaaS GTM Strategies

When you compare the GTM strategy with a marketing strategy, there are several noticeable differences between them. While both aim to drive sales, GTM strategies are more about selling the experience than the product. You’re not just selling software; you’re nurturing relationships, delivering continuous value, and building a community of loyal advocates. It isn’t just about getting a once-off sale; it’s about keeping your customers loyal and constantly justifying your value to them.

The best way to find out if the customers are getting a good experience is by tracking customer feedback. Customer feedback gives you valuable insights into their customers' preferences, pain points, and overall satisfaction with the product. The information you get from it can be used to make informed decisions about product development, customer support, or marketing strategies.

There are various tactics for collecting customer feedback; here are some you can start implementing:

  • Use surveys: Use online survey tools like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or Typeform to gather insights about user experience and preferences.
  • Set up a feedback mechanism: Include a feedback form or button within your product or service and ensure prompt responses to acknowledge and address the feedback.
  • Monitor customer support channels: Pay attention to customer interactions on email, chat, or social media to understand their pain points and issues.
  • Conduct user testing: Bring in users or testers to provide feedback on their experience and use it to improve your GTM strategy.
  • Use analytics tools: Use tools like Google Analytics, RB2B, Mixpanel, or Kissmetrics to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

These tactics help collect both direct and indirect feedback. Direct feedback is when a customer explicitly shares their experience and suggests improvements, while indirect feedback is inferred from customer interactions.

Despite challenges in collecting direct customer feedback, there are simple ways to overcome them:

  • Making it easy and convenient for customers to provide feedback.
  • Offering incentives such as free trials, or exclusive access to new features.
  • Following up and reminding customers to provide feedback.
  • Acting on feedback and updating customers on the actions taken.

The Role of Customer Onboarding and Retention

Customer onboarding is the process of introducing new users to your products and services to help them derive maximum value based on their specific use cases. Retention, on the other hand, involves keeping existing customers engaged and satisfied, ensuring that they continue to benefit from your brand.

Both of these processes are crucial to the success of your SaaS GTM strategy, even though they occur after a purchase has been made. Here are a few reasons why:

Onboarding helps your customers quickly recognize the value of your product or service and teaches them how to access it, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. On the other hand, satisfied customers are more likely to be loyal, leading to repeat purchases and positive recommendations for your brand, essentially resulting in free word-of-mouth marketing.

To ensure the success of your customer onboarding and retention processes, you need a customer success plan.

What Is a Customer Success Plan?

If customer experience is the heart of a successful GTM strategy, customer onboarding, and customer retention are the lungs. Customer onboarding involves introducing new users to your products. It involves teaching them how to recognize the value and get the maximum benefit from your products.

While, customer retention involves keeping your existing customers happy and satisfied by ensuring they continue to benefit from you. Satisfied customers are loyal, speak positively about your brand, keep purchasing from you, and do word-of-mouth marketing for free.

As you can see, both of the processes are an essential part of the SaaS GTM strategy as both of them impact the overall customer experience. To ensure the success of these processes, you need to implement a customer success plan.

Let's consider SaaS CRM software designed for small businesses as an example. In this case, a customer success plan for the CRM tool may include the following components:

1. Goals: The user's aim, such as increasing sales conversion rates by 20% within the first six months.

2. Metrics: Measurable indicators of success, such as lead response time or customer acquisition cost.

3. Action items: Specific tasks the user needs to undertake, like importing existing customer data and setting up automated email campaigns.

4. Your responsibilities: The support and guidance you need to provide for the user to achieve their goals, which may include training on using advanced features or troubleshooting assistance.

5. Communication plan: The plan for regular communication with the user, such as monthly check-ins or access to a dedicated customer support portal.

This customer success plan ensures that the user is effectively onboarded and supported in using the CRM software to achieve their business objectives.

The fourth point in the above list is crucial because the support is what will help the user achieve their goal. Therefore, SaaS brands need to create educational content to help their users learn about the functionalities in detail and at a comfortable pace. 

Zoom’s “Zoom Learning Center” is a great example of how you can structure your content to achieve customer success.

Customer Retention Strategies

When it comes to retention strategies, depending on the nature of the values offered by your brand and the resources available to your team, you can choose from the following:

  1. Proactive communication: Regularly communicate with customers, both to collect feedback and to proactively address any concerns or issues that may arise.
  2. Loyalty programs: Offer rewards and incentives to customers who remain loyal to your brand.
  3. Simplify the renewal process: Make it easy for customers to renew their subscription or contract with you by offering streamlined processes and timely reminders.
  4. Exceptional customer service: Provide fast and efficient customer service and go above and beyond to resolve any issues that arise.
  5. Value-added content: Offer customers value-added content, such as ebooks, white papers, webinars, and other resources that can help them get more value from your product or service.
  6. Community building: Create a sense of community among your customers, for example, by offering user groups or forums where they can connect with each other and share tips and best practices.
  7. Continuous improvement: Continuously improve your product or service based on customer feedback to ensure that it meets their evolving needs and expectations.

Differences between B2B SaaS and B2C SaaS GTM Strategy

There are some key differences between B2B GTM and B2C GTM in terms of how to position, price, and promote your SaaS product or platform effectively. The differences vary from target audience all the way to complexity of the sales processes and pricing strategies. Let's have a closer look at some of them:

Target Audience Complexity

In B2B SaaS, the target audience typically is stakeholders within an organization, such as decision-makers, end-users, and IT professionals. This requires a strategy that addresses the diverse needs and concerns of each group. The sales cycle is longer and involves more touchpoints, requiring a tailored approach that builds trust and demonstrates value over time. B2B GTM strategies often rely on detailed content such as white papers, case studies, and webinars to educate and persuade these stakeholders.

In contrast, B2C SaaS targets individual consumers or small business owners, who usually make purchasing decisions more quickly and independently. The emphasis is on creating compelling, easy-to-understand messaging that appeals to emotions and immediate needs. The sales cycle is shorter, and marketing efforts focus on broad reach through channels like social media, influencer partnerships, and online advertising. The goal is to capture attention quickly and convert interest into sales through engaging content and streamlined purchasing processes.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

B2B marketing strategies prioritize relationship-building and long-term engagement. Content marketing is crucial, with a focus on producing in-depth materials that help potential clients understand the product’s benefits and how it integrates with their existing systems. The sales process often involves direct interactions with sales teams, product demos, and personalized follow-ups. Customer success teams play a vital role in ensuring ongoing satisfaction and product utilization.

B2C marketing leans heavily on creating brand awareness and driving quick conversions. Strategies include SEO, pay-per-click advertising, and content that goes viral. User experience is paramount, with a seamless onboarding process and intuitive product design. Customer support is typically handled through automated systems and self-service options to manage the higher volume of users efficiently.

Pricing Models

WPricing in B2B SaaS is usually more complex and flexible. It often involves tiered pricing models based on the size of the business or the number of users and may include custom pricing for large enterprises. Subscription-based models are common, focusing on long-term contracts and ongoing service agreements. B2B companies frequently negotiate terms and offer discounts for multi-year commitments or larger user bases.

B2C SaaS pricing tends to be straightforward and transparent, appealing to a wide audience with fixed pricing tiers. Freemium models are popular, offering a free version with the option to upgrade to paid plans for additional features. The emphasis is on affordability and ease of understanding to facilitate quick decision-making by individual users.

Customer Retention and Support

Retention strategies in B2B SaaS focus on maintaining strong relationships through regular check-ins, tailored support, and continuous product improvements based on client feedback. Dedicated account managers and customer success teams are essential in helping clients achieve their business goals and ensuring high renewal rates.

For B2C SaaS, retention is driven by user satisfaction and engagement. This involves frequent updates, new features, and responsive customer service. Gamification, loyalty programs, and community-building efforts help keep users engaged and reduce churn rates. User feedback is gathered through surveys and direct interactions, with improvements implemented swiftly to enhance user experience.

6 Types of SaaS GTM Strategies

When crafting a GTM strategy for SaaS products, there are several approaches you can choose from, depending on your business models and market needs. Here are six effective types of GTM strategies:

1. Inbound Marketing

The inbound GTM strategy is focused on attracting potential customers by offering valuable content that builds trust and authority. This method involves creating blogs, white papers, webinars, and other content that educates and engages the target audience without immediate sales pressure. 

For example, a SaaS company specializing in project management tools might create a blog post about selecting the best task management software. In this case, no matter how much time has passed by the blog post will always remain relevant and useful. An inbound GTM strategy is ideal for companies looking to establish themselves as industry thought leaders and willing to invest in long-term content creation.

2. Product-Led Growth

A product-led growth (PLG) strategy uses the product itself as the main driver of customer acquisition, expansion, and retention. Go with this approach if you have a good enough product that can demonstrate value quickly and effectively, often through offering freemium models or free trials. 

Companies adopting a PLG strategy focus on continuous product improvements and rely on user feedback to guide the development process. This strategy suits businesses with scalable products that generate significant value over time and allows customers to explore and experience the product's benefits independently.

3. Sales-Led Growth

A sales-led GTM strategy emphasizes the role of a skilled sales team in driving conversions and closing deals. This approach is particularly effective for complex products that require long sales cycles and personalized customer interactions. 

The sales team is responsible for positioning the product and company as valuable investments, often through outbound efforts like emails and direct outreach. A sales-led strategy is best for markets where the product's value proposition needs in-depth explanation and skilled negotiation to overcome objections.

4. Demand Generation

Demand generation focuses on creating and nurturing high-quality leads that are more likely to convert. This strategy uses a mix of inbound and outbound marketing techniques, such as content marketing, email campaigns, and paid advertising, to attract and educate potential customers. 

The goal is to warm up your leads, making them familiar with the product and interested in learning more. This approach is beneficial for companies looking to reduce sales pressure by delivering better-qualified leads and for those aiming to spread awareness about their product category.

5. Account-Based

An account-based GTM strategy targets specific high-value accounts with personalized marketing and sales efforts. This approach involves identifying key decision-makers within target companies and tailoring outreach to address their unique needs and pain points. 

ABM is ideal for businesses selling complex products with long sales cycles and focusing on building deep, lasting relationships with a select group of clients. This strategy is suitable for companies aiming to align their goals with those of their customers and grow together over time.

6. Channel-Specific

A channel-specific GTM strategy focuses on optimizing a particular sales or marketing channel, such as retail, e-commerce, or social media. This approach involves building strong relationships within the chosen channel and using its unique advantages to drive sales. 

A channel-specific strategy is effective for businesses looking to dominate a particular sales avenue and tailor their offerings to the preferences and behaviors of their channel's audience.

Each of these GTM strategies offers different advantages and is suited for different business models and market conditions. By understanding the unique strengths and requirements of each approach, SaaS companies can craft a GTM strategy that aligns with their goals and maximizes their chances of success.


Building your GTM strategy shouldn’t be an afterthought. It should be carefully planned out as you build your product. Take your time to truly understand your product-market fit, refine your messaging, and build a well-thought-out strategy. Don’t rush the process or try to cut corners. Make it simple, clear, and straightforward and never forget to continuously nurture the relationships with your customers.